Curing Nature Deficit Disorder

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Inner-City Schools Install Green Spaces Instead of Slides

Boston’s Crispus Attucks preschool has traded a traditional playground, including the plastic slide and metal jungle gym for a grass, tree and water-filled green playspace. Schools install green spaces for a number of reasons including reconnecting children with the natural world and instilling a sense of respect for nature.

It is hoped that childhood attention deficit disorders, depression, obesity and disregard for nature will diminish as more schools install green spaces, especially in the inner city.

Additional Photo Credits: Flickr
Trend Themes
1. Nature-inspired Play Areas - Opportunities exist for creating innovative and creative play spaces that incorporate natural elements and encourage children to connect with nature.
2. Eco-friendly Education - Schools can embrace a more environmentally-friendly approach to education by incorporating green spaces, which can also help children learn about sustainability and conservation.
3. Outdoor Learning Environments - Green spaces can provide a more hands-on and interactive way of learning, allowing children to explore and discover the natural world around them.
Industry Implications
1. Landscaping and Outdoor Design - There is a growing demand for creating innovative and engaging landscaping designs that incorporate natural elements, making this an opportune industry for design and architecture firms to explore.
2. Education and Childcare - More educational institutions and childcare centers could consider incorporating green spaces as a way to provide a unique and effective learning environment that benefits both children and the environment.
3. Health and Wellness - Green spaces that encourage physical activity and exploration can have a positive impact on children's mental and physical wellbeing, making this an opportunity for businesses in the healthcare and wellness industries.

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