Sandwich Art Displays

Sandwich Arts by Ida Skivenes Brings a Smile to Anyone’s Platter

While playing with your food often resulted in disapproval from your parents, these sandwich arts by Ida Skivenes take rearranging your meal to a whole other level. Artist Ida Skivenes creatively showcases her artwork in the form of edible meals.

These sandwiched art displays are all renderings of famous paintings. From artist Edvard Munch’s The Scream to Van Gogh’s Tournesols (a.k.a. Sunflowers), all the edible artworks hold that lunchtime charm that’s ever present in Skivenes’ works. With so many art displays relying on various materials to create art, may be edible pieces could be the next step in the art world.

The sandwiches can appeal to anyone's visual, even a child's. If the next time a child has difficulty finishing their meals, just present it in stimulating art displays such as this and if that doesn't wok, create an edible math problem.
Trend Themes
1. Edible Art Displays - Creating edible artworks could be the next step in the art world.
2. Food Presentation - Innovative food presentation is becoming increasingly popular across industries.
3. Art-inspired Food - Incorporating art motifs and inspirations into food presentation and design is a growing trend.
Industry Implications
1. Food Industry - Innovative food presentation can set a restaurant or chef apart from competitors and create a memorable experience for customers.
2. Artists and Designers - Food presentation offers a new medium for artists and designers to creatively showcase their artwork and designs.
3. Education and Childcare - Creative food presentation, such as edible math problems, can be utilized in early childhood education and at-home learning.

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