Brain Game Artistry

Invader Gallery Displays Creativity With Rubik's Cube Art

Solving a Rubik's Cube is hard enough as it is, never mind customizing the sides in order to create a visual masterpiece. That's why the collection of Rubik's Cube art by Invader being shown at the Johnathan Levine Gallery takes true genius and skill.

The art of 'painting' with a Rubik's Cube is believed to have originated from the French artist, Invader. He carefully puts together brick by brick, square by square, color patterns that create an overall image (like a Rubik's Cube collage).

The work he has accomplished is rather fascinating. I guess the Rubik's Cube is good for something (other than fueling my anger issues.)
Trend Themes
1. Rubik's Cube Artistry - The rise of Rubik's Cube art as a new medium for artists to express their creativity which is rare and unique.
2. Interactive Art - Artists combining interactive puzzles and games to engage and stimulate their audience.
3. Pixel Art Resurgence - The comeback of pixel art as a preferred design style due to its classic appeal and simplicity.
Industry Implications
1. Art Galleries - Art galleries showcasing interactive art installations to provide a new level of art and entertainment experience for their audience.
2. Toy and Puzzle Industry - Collaborating with artists to design puzzles and toys that serve not only as a plaything, but as an art piece with aesthetic value.
3. Art Education and Programs - Rubik's Cube art innovation as an opportunity for expansion of arts programs and creative education in schools and community centers.

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