Folded Paper Cameras

Glue Together The New Rubikon Camera, Then Point and Shoot

The Rubikon camera is a paper cut-out that transforms into an actual, functioning photographic machine. You can download the PDF format for free to create your own paper pin-hole camera.

The Rubikon camera only takes black and white photos (like all pin-hole cameras). The pictures are haunting. Jaroslave Jurica, a designer from the Czech Republic, created both the original black Rubikon and the newer white Rubikon camera 2, which was inspired by Richard Vyskovsky's 1979 Dirkon.
Trend Themes
1. Paper Cameras - The development of paper cameras presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the photography industry.
2. Pin-hole Photography - The resurgence of pin-hole photography offers a unique opportunity for disruptive innovation in the camera manufacturing industry.
3. DIY Photography - The growing popularity of DIY paper cameras opens up possibilities for disruptive innovation in the hobbyist photography market.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - The photography industry can explore disruptive innovation by embracing the concept of paper cameras.
2. Camera Manufacturing - The camera manufacturing industry can capitalize on the trend of pin-hole photography by incorporating it into their product offerings.
3. Hobbyist Photography - The hobbyist photography market can benefit from disruptive innovation by catering to the demand for DIY paper cameras.

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