Robotification of Society

Intimacy With Robots?

Making the leap from Roomba to clean your floors to a robot in your bed may be not as far down the road as you think.

David Levy wrote a wrote a PhD. thesis that declared humans will marry robots within 50 years.

Robots have taken over the production floor, doing complicated tasks faster and better than humans. They also do the day-to-day tasks, thus the popularity of the Roomba. No matter if you're looking for faster and better, or routine, robot sex could be coming as quickly as five years.

When Jane proclaims, "I Can Program My Lover," interest will start a fast moving trend.
Trend Themes
1. Robot Intimacy - The trend of humans forming intimate relationships with robots presents opportunities for disruptive innovation in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence.
2. Robotic Household Assistants - The rise of robots performing day-to-day tasks, such as the Roomba, opens up opportunities for disruptive innovation in the home automation and consumer electronics industries.
3. Human-robot Marriage - The projection that humans will marry robots within 50 years suggests that there is potential for disruptive innovation in the fields of robotics, AI, and social dynamics.
Industry Implications
1. Robotics - The increasing integration of robots in various aspects of society creates opportunities for disruptive innovation within the robotics industry.
2. Artificial Intelligence - The advancement of robots capable of intimate relationships with humans highlights the need for disruptive innovation in the field of artificial intelligence.
3. Home Automation - The growing demand for robotic household assistants like the Roomba indicates potential disruptive innovation opportunities within the home automation industry.

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