Customer-Servicing Robots

This Robot Assistant is Developed to Help Customers in a Store

Apparently one of the jobs that could be replaced by technology in the future is customer service workers, as evidenced by this robot assistant. Currently being trialled at Lowe's hardware store, OSHbot is making shopping even more automated.

Developed by Fellow Robots in collaboration with Lowe's Innovation Labs, the robot assistant and autonomous machine is the size of a human and contains a variety of different technologies enabling it to carry out customer service tasks in stores. Sensors prevent it from bumping into people or objects, allowing it to move freely around the sales floor. It also has voice and body recognition, so it knows when someone has approached it looking for help and can respond to demands.
Trend Themes
1. Robotic Customer Service - Develop customer-service robots to assist customers in stores and hotels, thereby reducing labor costs and increasing efficiency.
2. Autonomous Retail Technology - Use of autonomous machines like OSHbot in stores can streamline operations, improve in-store customer experience and reduce wait times.
3. Personalized Shopping Experience - Use of robots like OSHbot can help customers find specific products in-store and make personalized recommendations based on their search history.
Industry Implications
1. Retail Industry - Robotic customer service can be implemented in retail environments to provide immersive, personalized shopping experiences.
2. Hospitality Industry - Hotels can use robotic customer service to provide guests with on-demand assistance, recommendations and personalized experiences.
3. Healthcare Industry - Robot assistants can be developed to help patients navigate hospital environments and receive care, reducing the workload of healthcare professionals.

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