Cyclist Road Elevators

‘Trampe CycloCable’ is a Road Elevator to Help Anyone on Wheels

Elevators help us get to our elevated destinations in a matter of seconds and make for an easier, effortless trip; certain Norwegian cyclists felt a similar concept was needed outdoors, so they created what is essentially a road elevator. The ‘Trampe CycloCable’ is a motorized mechanism built into the hilly streets of Tronheim, Norway to provide assistance to those on wheels.

You have no doubt experienced being on a nice bicycle ride when it suddenly got disrupted by a steep hill. Disruptions of that sort can turn your nice cycle into a daunting task and at one point or another you’ll probably want to get off and walk your bike up the hill instead. The CycloCable is a simple solution that lets you position your bicycle parallel to the lift rail while you put your left foot on the left bike pedal, and your right foot in the start slot. With the push of a green button the CycloCable will steadily haul you up the hill.

The design was upgraded in 2013 to meet new safety regulations, and it about to be introduced to the international market.
Trend Themes
1. Outdoor Elevators - The concept of outdoor elevators, like the Trampe CycloCable, provides a unique solution for navigating hilly terrains.
2. Motorized Assistance - Motorized mechanisms, such as the CycloCable, offer assistance to individuals on wheels to conquer steep inclines more easily.
3. Sustainable Transportation - Innovations like the road elevator inspire sustainable transportation options by encouraging more people to use bicycles for commuting.
Industry Implications
1. Bicycle Manufacturing - The bicycle manufacturing industry can explore integrating motorized assistance features into their bike models to enhance the riding experience for customers.
2. Urban Planning - Urban planning professionals can consider incorporating outdoor elevators into hilly cities to improve accessibility and encourage alternative modes of transportation.
3. Tourism - Tourism industry players can promote destinations with outdoor elevators, attracting visitors who want to explore unique transportation experiences in hilly regions.

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