Altruistic Accessory Lines

Rising Tide Fair Trade Bags Provide Jobs For Under Served Women

Rising Tide Fair Trade works with artisans in developing countries to design tote bags that are both uniquely crafted and practical while also providing the creators with a fair wage for their labor.

Founded by Virginia Dooley and Nicole Jones, the company operates on the principle that sustainable and ethically sourced textiles can be effectively used in the manufacturing of fashionable and socially responsible goods.

All of the materials used in the creation of the company's bags are certified by the Fair Trade Federation and are approved by Green America as being environmentally friendly.

Allowing the artisans to work from home provides them with a 60 per cent higher earning potential than other factory-based jobs while also allowing them the opportunity to be at home with their families while they work.

The company also donates a percentage of its profits to programs that help under served young women learn the skills needed to secure meaningful employment.

Contact Information
Rising Tide Fair Trade website
Rising Tide Fair Trade on Facebook
Trend Themes
1. Altruistic Accessories - The rise of socially conscious, ethical goods that provide jobs and fair wages for under served communities.
2. Fair Trade Fashion - An increasing demand for fashion and accessories made from ethically sourced materials and produced in a sustainable manner.
3. Remote Artisan Workforce - Empowering marginalized communities by providing work-from-home opportunities with higher earning potential and work-life balance.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - A need for sustainable and ethical production in the fashion industry, as consumers demand conscious consumption and transparent supply chains.
2. Social Enterprise - A business model where profits are used to benefit under served communities, offering both a financial and social return on investment.
3. Fair Trade Organizations - Organizations that promote fair wages, safe working conditions, and sustainable production, as more consumers seek ethically sourced products.

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