Retro-Reflective Bikes

Lumen is a Bicycle with a Frame that Glows at Night for Added Visibility

A cyclist could wear a bright orange vest, hang lights on their handlebars and attach reflectors on their spokes and their bicycle still won't be as visible at night as this retro-reflective bike. Appropriately dubbed Lumen, the retro-reflective bike may look like an unassuming charcoal-colored bike by day, but at night it glows fully without the help of batteries or switches.

Designed by Mission Bicycle Company, the retro-reflective bike is covered in a special coating from Halo Coatings, which is the same kind of paint found on roads. Design Milk writes, "This coat essentially returns light to its source, instead of bouncing or scattering the light." Safe and stylish, the retro-reflective bike may change the way bicycle designers finish their products.
Trend Themes
1. Retro-reflective Coatings - There is an opportunity for the development of retro-reflective coatings in various industries to enhance visibility and safety.
2. Nighttime Visibility - Improving nighttime visibility for different modes of transportation can lead to innovative solutions for enhanced safety and accident prevention.
3. Disruptive Bicycle Design - Innovations in bicycle design, such as incorporating retro-reflective elements, can revolutionize the cycling industry and attract safety-conscious consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - The automotive industry has an opportunity to explore retro-reflective coatings for vehicles to increase visibility and reduce night-time accidents.
2. Safety Equipment - The safety equipment industry can incorporate retro-reflective materials into their products to provide increased visibility and protection for customers.
3. Outdoor Recreation - Incorporating retro-reflective elements into outdoor recreational products, such as bicycles, can improve visibility for users during nighttime activities.

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