Roommate Number-Crunchers

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Split the Rent's Rent Calculator Ensures Payment Fairness

It can be tough living with a roommate sometimes, and you really don't want to add money woes to the list of otherwise trivial annoyances. Enter the Rent Calculator.

Introduced by, the Rent Calculator allows you to fairly calculate how much each roommate should pay. It takes into consideration unequal room sizes, rooms shared by a couple, and rooms that have no windows, huge closets, bad sound isolation, private bathrooms and more. Pretty useful, don't you think?
Trend Themes
1. Fairness Tools - The trend of using technology to create tools that ensure financial fairness between roommates, couples, and other shared expenses will continue to grow.
2. Urban Living Solutions - As urbanites increasingly have roommates to share expenses, the demand for helpful solutions like the Rent Calculator will grow.
3. Real Estate Technology - The use of technology to solve everyday problems in real estate, like the Rent Calculator, will continue to be an area of disruption and innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Proptech - The real estate industry will be disrupted by proptech companies like that offer new tools and ways to solve everyday problems for renters and landlords.
2. Fintech - The use of fintech tools to manage shared expenses like rent could become more widespread as millennials continue to prioritize collaborative living and saving.
3. Co-living - Co-living companies could incorporate the Rent Calculator into their business model to help ensure fair and transparent expense sharing between roommates and housemates.

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