Literal Snail Mail

Real SnailMail Sends Emails Using Live Gastropods

Real SnailMail is quite possibly the slowest mail delivery service in the world. The London-based company offers an email delivery service that uses live snails to send messages. And you thought standard shipping took too long.

Real SnailMail equips each of its delivery snails with RFID tags, each holding one email. The snails are placed in an enclosure with a dispatch point that sends out the snail's message if it happens to wander by. You might think that traveling 50 centimeters wouldn't take so long, even for a snail, but the average delivery time for an email sent through Real SnailMail is 615 days, 15 hours, 37 minutes and 27 seconds. Apparently there is a lot to do in the snails' enclosure, like eat and wander off in the wrong direction.

Real SnailMail is awesome in that it is kind of like creating your own time capsule except that you don't have to worry about remembering where you buried it or actually digging it up.
Trend Themes
1. Slow Delivery Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a more efficient and faster alternative to traditional mail services.
2. Unconventional Messaging Methods - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore new ways to deliver messages using unique and attention-grabbing approaches.
3. Eco-friendly Delivery Solutions - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop environmentally sustainable delivery methods that reduce carbon emissions.
Industry Implications
1. Logistics and Delivery - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Revolutionize the logistics industry with cutting-edge technology and streamlined processes.
2. Digital Communication - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Innovate and improve digital communication systems to enhance efficiency and user experience.
3. Sustainability and Environmental Conservation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create solutions and products that contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

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