Round-Up Investing Apps

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This Real Estate Investing App Makes Use Of Your Loose Change

HappyNest Holdings has launched the latest and greatest version of its eponymous real estate investing app, offering customers the opportunity to go about making their spending habits work for them by allowing them to round up their expenditure and utilize the extra amount as an investment into a real estate venture.

The HappyNest real estate investing app manages this through its Loose Change program, which allows users to to effectively use their loose change to help bolster their long-term savings portfolio without having to put a great deal of thought and analysis into the process. The feature is available to all HappyNest customers for no extra fee.

"Four out of five millionaires make their fortunes through real estate," noted HappyNest's CEO Jesse Prince. "We are on a mission to make investing in real estate available, affordable, and easy for everyone regardless of income."
Trend Themes
1. Round-up Investing Apps - Apps that allow users to invest their spare change in real estate ventures.
2. Micro-investment - The ability to invest small amounts of money in real estate with ease.
3. Simplification of Real Estate Investment - Offering options for people who want to invest in real estate without having to do extensive analysis or have large sums of money.
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate Investment - This app offers a new way to invest in real estate, making it more accessible to a wider range of people and potentially disrupting traditional real estate investment methods.
2. Fintech - Round-up investing apps are a growing trend within the financial technology industry, providing opportunities to offer innovative investment solutions to customers.
3. Personal Finance - Micro-investment apps are disrupting the personal finance industry by making investing more accessible to a wider range of people, including those who previously thought it was out of reach.

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