Rap Music Blamed for Increasing Teen Pregnancy

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Rap Music Blamed For Increasing Teen Pregnancy

Rap stars are encouraging early sexual activity among teenagers by promoting a degrading view of women, research shows.

Psychologists said their findings from a three-year study presented a worrying picture of how popular music affected the attitudes of boys and girls to sex.

Rap music and hip hop, with their particular emphasis on sex and demeaning depictions of women, were blamed for encouraging early sexual behaviour, leading to the spread of disease and underage pregnancies. (The Daily Mail)
Trend Themes
1. Negative Influence of Music on Youth - The increasing research and evidence that shows how popular music, especially rap music, can have a negative impact on the attitudes and behaviors of teenagers towards sex and women.
2. Rethinking Censorship in Music Industry - The need for music industry players to rethink their approach and take responsibility for the kind of music that is produced, marketed, and consumed by teenagers.
3. Music Genre Diversification - The need for new music genres that promote respect and empowerment for women, and enable the youth to explore different musical influences that do not compromise their attitudes and behaviors regarding sex.
Industry Implications
1. Music Production - The need for music producers to be more thoughtful about the type of music they produce and the messages it sends out regarding sex and women in order to avoid negative impacts on youths.
2. Education and Parenting - The need for parents and educators to be more involved in guiding youths on what kind of music to listen to and the consequences of listening to music that demean women and encourage early sexual behavior.
3. Social Activism - The need for social activists to take on the music industry and spread awareness on the negative impacts of music on youths, and pressuring the industry to produce and promote music that empowers and respects women.

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