Affordable Hi-Res Music Streaming

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The Qobuz Streaming Service Reduced Its Price for Hi-Res Content

The Qobuz streaming service is getting rid of its MP3-quality subscription in favor of its hi-res Studio Premier subscription. Additionally, the company is holding a promotion, where the first 100,000 subscribers will get to access the Studio Premier plan for either $15 a month, or $150 a year. The promotion offers access to high-quality music at a cheaper price than many other hi-res streaming subscriptions.

Those who previously held a Studio Premier subscription will either receive a discount or refund, depending on when the customer signed up for the plan.

The Qobuz streaming service will also lower the price of its Sublime+ subscription which has been marked down to $250 a year, from the original $300 price point.
Trend Themes
1. Hi-res Music Streaming - The trend of reducing the price of hi-res music streaming services will create an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the music industry.
2. Affordable Music Subscription - The trend of reducing the price of music subscriptions will create an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the music industry.
3. Streaming Service Subscriptions - The trend of offering specific subscription plans with varying levels of service and quality will create an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the streaming industry.
Industry Implications
1. Music Streaming - The music streaming industry can take advantage of the trend of reducing the price of hi-res and affordable music subscriptions to attract more customers.
2. Audio Equipment - The audio equipment industry can take advantage of the trend of promoting hi-res music streaming services by developing products to enhance the listening experience.
3. Technology - The technology industry can take advantage of the trend of offering specific subscription plans by developing new streaming services and platforms with unique features and functionality.

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