Normalizing Public Urination

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P.I.S.S. is a Personal Irrigation Sanitation System for Drunks

Hypothetically, let’s say you're a guy walking home from the bar after a long night of drinking and are in need of a washroom - badly. There are no public washrooms in sight. The only option? Pee in the bushes or on a surrounding tree.

Samuel Patience has just launched the P.I.S.S. (Personal Irrigation Sanitation System) to aid in the growing epidemic that is sweeping the nation - drunken boys urinating in public places.

Check out the products Samuel Patience has created that aim to make outdoor urination a little more appropriate in the above gallery.
Trend Themes
1. Public Sanitation Solutions - Entrepreneurs can create personal sanitation solutions to tackle epidemic problems.
2. Alternative Nightlife Products - The creation of alternative nightlife products can cater to a growing need and provide opportunities for innovation.
3. Alcohol Consumption Culture - The rise of initiatives for responsible drinking suggests a need for a cultural shift in alcohol consumption and associated practices.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Hygiene Products - The personal hygiene industry can develop accessible and innovative solutions to public sanitation problems.
2. Nightlife Industry - Entrepreneurs in the nightlife industry can explore the expansion of their product offerings to include responsible sanitation options.
3. Public Health Initiatives - Public health organizations can promote initiatives that will reduce the spread of infectious diseases through public urination.

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