Bike Lane Extensions

Nick Falbo Designed European-Inspired Protected Intersections for Cyclists

Inspired by the bike lanes in the Netherlands, this design for protected intersections for cyclists would ensure people riding bicycles could drive through an intersection safely. Conceived by Nick Falbo, the concept would extend the protected bike lanes into the intersection so bicyclists would not have any confusion when they come to the end of the street and they are forced to share lanes with other vehicles.

These protected intersections for cyclists have four integral components: a corner refuge island, a forward stopping bar, a setback bicycle crossing and bicycle-friendly signal phasing. This will not only ensure safety, it will also increase the number of people riding bikes in urban areas, according to a recent study. This design was submitted as part of the Outside the Box competition.
Trend Themes
1. Protected Intersections for Cyclists - Designing intersections that prioritize cyclist safety, increasing biking in urban areas.
2. Extension of Bike Lane Design - Extending bike lanes into intersections to avoid confusion and promote safe cycling.
3. Urban Cycling Infrastructure - Creating infrastructure that encourages more people to ride bikes in cities.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - Opportunities for innovative designs and technology to improve cyclist safety in urban areas.
2. Architecture & Urban Planning - Incorporating bike-friendly infrastructure into urban design to promote sustainable transportation.
3. City Governance - Implementing policies and regulations that prioritize cyclist safety and promote urban cycling.

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