Olympic-Inspired Furniture

The Project Won collection by James Henry Austin is Subtly Sporty

The Project Won collection may be inspired by the Olympics, but it is not obvious from the get-go. Instead, the influence is very subtle, even if the title isn't. An understated tribute to the glory of the 2012 London Summer Olympics, each piece is crafted out of salvaged floorboards pulled from UK sports halls.

Crafted by Shropshire-based designer James Henry Austin, the Project Won collection is comprised of five pieces: a chair, table, bench and two versions of a coat hanger. The painted lines maintained on the panels of wood is a nod to their original state and athletic origins. Hand-sanded and recoated in natural wax oil, the pieces in the Project Won collection are rustic.
Trend Themes
1. Subtle Olympic-inspired Design - Opportunity to incorporate subtle Olympic-inspired design elements into various products and industries.
2. Salvaged Materials - Opportunity to repurpose salvaged materials for sustainable and unique furniture designs.
3. Rustic Furniture Collection - Opportunity to create rustic furniture collections that embrace their original state and showcase a sense of history.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Opportunity for interior designers to incorporate subtle Olympic-inspired design elements into their projects.
2. Sustainable Furniture - Opportunity for sustainable furniture companies to repurpose salvaged materials for their products.
3. Vintage Furniture - Opportunity for vintage furniture makers to create rustic collections that embrace the history and unique characteristics of salvaged materials.

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