Animal Excrement Souvenirs

Prague Zoo Elephant Dung is the Stinkiest Souvenir of All Time

Visitors to the Prague Zoo are being treated to a most unusual option in the souvenir shop as the zoo has started selling elephant dung as souvenirs. The Prague Zoo elephant dung comes in 1-kilo containers and retails for around $3.90.

While the idea seems ludicrous, it is actually very profitable as tubs of Prague Zoo elephant dung have been flying off the shelves. Demand has become so high that zoo officials decided to expand the sale of the dung to the weekdays as well as the weekends. You're probably wondering who is buying all of this elephant excrement. Apparently, the area's gardeners have been snatching up the dung and using it to help their crops grow. Czech gardeners are a dedicated bunch to say the least.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Souvenirs - The trend of selling souvenirs made from organic materials such as animal excrement helps promote eco-friendly products.
2. Novelty Souvenirs - Selling animal excrement as a souvenir creates a unique and unusual product that can attract visitors looking for something different.
3. Circular Economy Souvenirs - Using animal excrement as a souvenir is a perfect example of how to turn waste into a valuable resource in the circular economy.
Industry Implications
1. Tourism Industry - The tourism industry can benefit from the novelty and eco-friendliness of animal excrement souvenirs.
2. Agriculture Industry - The sale of elephant dung as a fertilizer can disrupt the agriculture industry by providing an alternative to traditional fertilizers.
3. Circular Economy Industry - Animal excrement souvenirs support the circular economy industry by reducing waste and creating new products out of it.

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