DIY Time Travel Mirrors

This DIY Display Transforms Ordinary Mirrors into Portals

This series of DIY images allows you to create your own portal mirrors. Just remember that they're made of glass before you are tempted to jump through to another dimension -- because the only place glass will transport you is to is the hospital.

The mirrors mimic the cult game 'Portal,' which involves creating other dimensions in order to teleport your character to different sections of each level. Like the game, the two glowing colors that circle the portals are red and blue.

By creating these mirrors and placing them in front of each other, you will effectively be able to create an infinite portal. Such a phenomenon is a lot better to just look at than fall into.
Trend Themes
1. DIY Mirrors - Opportunity for innovative DIY products that allow individuals to personalize and customize their own mirrors.
2. Portal Theme - Potential for incorporating portal-themed designs into various products, creating a sense of playfulness and imagination.
3. Infinite Portal Illusion - Emerging trend of creating visual illusions using mirrors to achieve infinite depth and captivating optical effects.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Disruptive innovation opportunity for home decor companies to offer DIY mirror kits that enable customers to create personalized portal-themed mirrors.
2. Gaming - Opportunity for gaming companies to incorporate portal-themed designs in gaming accessories, creating a more immersive gaming experience.
3. Optical Illusion Art - Emerging industry trend of artists using mirrors to create captivating optical illusions and interactive art installations.

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