Supportive Portable Perches

A Portable Stool Guarantees a Seat for Students of Rural Schools

Many schoolchildren around the world––particularly in Africa––will benefit from this clever concept for a portable stool. Proposed by Herman Miller UK and designed by Fraser Leid, this lightweight chair ensures that its owner will have a place to sit or write when he or she walks into to a resource-strapped classroom.

When getting a seat is typically no guarantee, the Nika Chair is a very comfortable alternative. The child can carry it for miles with ease, thanks to a thick strap and a structure that folds flat into the zippered cushion. It would be made from recycled materials including repurposed timber, enabling this portable stool to be produced cheaply and locally so that it's affordable.
Trend Themes
1. Portable Seating Solutions - The Nika Chair presents an opportunity for the development of more portable seating solutions for resource-strapped communities.
2. Eco-friendly Product Design - The use of recycled materials in the Nika Chair creates a trend towards more eco-friendly product designs.
3. Mobility and Convenience - The Nika Chair highlights a trend towards creating products that offer mobility and convenience to their users.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - Manufacturers can explore developing more portable and affordable furniture designs like the Nika Chair for low-resource communities.
2. Education - The development of portable seating solutions like the Nika Chair can benefit the education sector in rural communities where resources are scarce.
3. Green Product Manufacturing - The use of recycled materials in the Nika Chair presents opportunities for the growth of eco-friendly product manufacturing industries.

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