People-Friendly Porsches

The Porsche Engineered for Magic Commercial Shows a New Perspective

The Porsche Engineered for Magic commercial puts the speedy car into a new light for those people who think of it just as a sports car. The ad features the Porsche as the equivalent to a pickup truck, snowmobile, getaway car and school bus. The commercial says that the car is "designed with a singular purpose," but manages to be so much more. The ad states that the Porsche is "engineered for magic every day."

The Porsche Engineered for Magic commercial was created by the advertising agency Cramer-Krasselt, Chicago, USA. When watching the commercial, you will be greeted by bright colors and a catchy tune called Feels so Good #1 by Junior Kimbrough. The ad is a great way to get people thinking differently about owning a sports car and I'm sure many carbuffs with families will appreciate it.
Trend Themes
1. People-friendly Cars - Creating cars that appeal to families and are not just for performance enthusiasts presents an opportunity for the automotive industry to disrupt the market.
2. Multi-purpose Cars - Designing cars that can have multiple uses beyond just getting from point A to B offers opportunities for innovation in the automotive industry.
3. Emotional-experience Marketing - Emphasizing the emotional experience of owning a car as opposed to just its features and performance can be a disruptive strategy for automakers to differentiate themselves in the market.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - There is an opportunity for the automotive industry to create cars that are not just performance-focused but also appeal to families and have multi-purpose uses.
2. Marketing Industry - Emphasizing the emotional experience of owning a car as opposed to just its features and performance can be a disruptive strategy for marketers to differentiate products in the automotive industry.
3. Entertainment Industry - Collaborating with the entertainment industry to create innovative content that showcases cars in new ways can be a marketing opportunity for automakers to reach new audiences.

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