Erotic Photo Skate Dekcs

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Marilyn Minter Supreme Skateboards

Supreme skateboarding brand is following this year's trend in urban industry. How? They asked New York-based artist Marilyn Minter to create the design for three skate decks.

Minter is recognized in the modern art milieu for "close-ups of the erotic nature that confuse and astound the viewer."

Keep your eyes on exclusive skate shops to buy these great pieces of art!

Implications - Urban culture has bubbled up into the mainstream, and fine art is similarly influencing lifestyle items such as skateboard decks and urban apparel. Skate decks emblazoned with prints made famous by noted artists and designers add cachet to this essential item for skateboarders and allow these creatives to reach a new market.
Trend Themes
1. Urban Art Collaboration - Collaborating with artists and designers to create unique and artistic designs for skateboard decks brings urban art into the mainstream and allows for a new market of creative expression.
2. Fine Art Influence - The inclusion of prints made famous by noted artists and designers on skateboard decks adds prestige and cachet to this essential item for skateboarders, bridging the gap between fine art and urban culture.
3. Lifestyle Impact - The influence of urban culture and fine art on lifestyle items such as skateboard decks and urban apparel reflects the growing importance of self-expression and personal style in consumer choices.
Industry Implications
1. Skateboarding - The skateboarding industry can benefit from collaborations with artists and designers to create unique and artistic skateboard decks, appealing to a wider market of skateboarders looking for creative expression.
2. Art and Design - Artists and designers have the opportunity to reach a new market by collaborating with skateboard brands and creating prints for skateboard decks, merging the worlds of fine art and urban culture.
3. Fashion and Lifestyle - The inclusion of artistic designs on skateboard decks and the growing influence of urban culture on lifestyle items present an opportunity for the fashion and lifestyle industry to tap into the demand for self-expression and unique style.

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