Deconstructed Pizza Bowls

This Gluten-Free Savory Bowl Recipe is Slightly Healthier Comfort Food

This gluten-free pizza bowl takes the bowl format popularized by Chipotle and vegetarian eateries but with a pizza-themed twist. Created by Lindsay Cotter of the food blog Cotter Crunch, the recipe for the homemade pizza bowls are also a suitable meal option for people with food allergies or strict dietary restrictions.

The "healthy-ish comfort food savory bowl" makes a tasty and filling lunch or dinner that you can easily customize to suit your toppings preferences. The gluten-free pizza crust comes on the side, so you can pick and choose what and how much of each topping you want on there. Lindsay's bowl featured basil, caramelized onions, garlic, goat cheese, ground sausage, roma tomatoes and spinach.
Trend Themes
1. Deconstructed Pizza Bowls - A new take on the bowl format, with pizza-themed toppings to make a customizable, savory meal that is also gluten-free, catering to consumers with allergies and dietary restrictions.
2. Healthy-ish Comfort Food - This dish offers the appeal of comfort food without the guilt, appealing to health-conscious consumers seeking healthier alternatives or ways to indulge without compromising their diet.
3. Homemade and Customizable Meals - By offering a deconstructed option where customers can choose their own toppings, restaurants and food brands can cater to consumers’ desire for personalization and control over what they are eating.
Industry Implications
1. Quick-serve Restaurants/fast Casual Dining - These Deconstructed Pizza Bowls offer a quick and customizable option for busy customers who want to grab a quick and satisfying meal on the go.
2. Healthy Food Industry - This dish caters to the trend of health-conscious consumers seeking healthier alternatives or ways to indulge without compromising their diet, providing opportunities for businesses to appeal to this market segment.
3. Food Delivery Services and Meal Kit Providers - By offering a customized, easy-to-prepare meal at home, this dish can appeal to consumers who are seeking a more personalized and convenient approach to meal prep and delivery services.

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