Piano Key Pendants

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Engraved Eco-Adornment Made of Recycled Ivories (UPDATE)

Silver-backed pendants of engraved ivory on sterling or gold chains sound extravagant, but these have an eco-twist: they’re made of disused piano keys. Some have wooden book boxes to travel in. The boxes too, are made of recycled materials. We've written about these pendants before, but the line has since expanded, so we've included the most recent designs.

Puerto Rico native Derrick R. Cruz is the artist behind these pieces. His studio, Black Sheep & Prodigal Sons, is based in Brooklyn, New York. Work for sale is described on his website.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-upcycling Jewelry - There is an opportunity to utilize unused materials and turn it into an artistic and fashionable piece of jewelry.
2. Personalized Accessories - Customization of jewelry items like this one creates a unique and personalized item for customers to enjoy.
3. Sustainable Fashion - Designers, manufacturers, and sellers can take advantage of utilizing this product to promote their sustainable fashion lines.
Industry Implications
1. Jewelry Making Industry - Jewelry makers can use this innovative item to create new designs and sustainable accessories.
2. Fashion Industry - Fashion designers and manufacturers can incorporate sustainable fashion pieces like this into their collections, highlighting their efforts in environmental responsibility.
3. Music Industry - Musical instrument companies and upcycling businesses can collaborate to create new products with unused piano keys or other materials.

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