Photoshopping Blunders Made Viral

Washington Post Embarrassed on Reddit

Miss South Carolina will be the first to tell you that if you make a mistake, it could become a viral embarrassment. However, this week's example of viral embarrassment was not Miss South Carolina, it was the Washington Post.

Someone on Washington Posts' photo staff let this little blunder cover the sport section, and now the picture has reached the top slot on Reddit. The caption, "Who photoshopped this? M.C. Esher?"

I still prefer Miss South Carolina:
Trend Themes
1. Social Media Shaming - Opportunities for companies to be proactive in preventing and addressing online shaming incidents.
2. Photo Editing Accuracy - Potential for innovative photo editing software solutions to prevent and catch errors before publication.
3. User-generated Content Critique - Growing demand for platforms and tools that allow users to provide feedback and critique on published content.
Industry Implications
1. Media and Journalism - Disruptive innovation opportunities in improving photo editing processes and accuracy in media organizations.
2. Social Media and Online Platforms - Opportunities for platforms to develop features preventing the spread of shaming content and promoting constructive dialogue.
3. Software Development - Potential for software developers to create advanced editing tools that minimize errors and enhance efficiency in photo editing workflows.

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