Minature Museum Photography

Tezi Gabunia's Photography Techniques Place You Inside a Tiny Museum

Tezi Gabunia uses photography techniques that make his subjects look like giants peeking into famous museums.

His method, called 'falsification,' works to comment on the contemporary world artistically. With his 'Put Your Head into Gallery' project, he shows his subjects in a contrived setting that is made to look like a real one, creating miniature models of the iconic galleries with a close attention to detail.

He made four different models to be used for the project, which are recreations of the Louvre, the Tate, the Gagosian and the Saatchi. The images show their different subjects resting their faces on the floor of each setting, with his photography techniques making them look like Alice in Wonderland after she drinks the mysterious growing potion. Photo Credits: designboom, tezigabunia
Trend Themes
1. Miniature Museum Photography - A new trend of photography using falsification to recreate miniature models of famous galleries with close attention to detail.
2. Contrived Settings - A trend in artistic production where artists use technique to create synthetic worlds.
3. Gigantism - A growing trend of taking small objects and making them look like giants.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The art industry has an opportunity to use falsification techniques to redefine our notion of what is possible in the production of art.
2. Photography - The photography industry could explore the use of falsification as a means to bring a new level of creativity and visual appeal to their work.
3. Museums - The museum industry has an opportunity to use these miniature models and falsification techniques to create unbelievably creative exhibits.

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