Undersea Explorer Photoshoots

Philippe Ramette Takes Land-Locked Exploration Tactics Under the Sea

Philippe Ramette’s ‘Rational Exploration Of The Undersea’ is a quirky set of photos depicting literal undersea exploration. Real explorers don’t use submarines or scuba suits. They survive with just their wits and ropes.

I never questioned the term ‘undersea exploration’ until I saw Philippe Ramette’s photos. While these photos are incredibly silly, they do make you think. Should there be a different term for undersea explorers? Separate but equal isn’t equal, but the law of the land doesn’t apply under the sea.
Trend Themes
1. Alternative Undersea Exploration Methods - Opportunity for companies to innovate by creating alternative exploration methods that do not rely on submarines or scuba suits.
2. Rebranding Undersea Exploration - A potential opportunity for organizations to redefine the concept of undersea exploration.
3. Quirky Undersea Photography - A trend that may inspire artists and photographers to create unique undersea shots.
Industry Implications
1. Marine Exploration Technology - Companies can create new technologies geared towards alternative undersea exploration methods.
2. Tourism Industry - Organisations involved in tourism can use quirky undersea photography to promote new destinations.
3. Art and Photography Industry - An opportunity for artists and photographers to create and sell quirky and interesting undersea themed photography.

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