DIY Dogtography

'Petize Yourself' is a Humorous and Creative Website

Italian advertising agency Lowe Pirella Fronzoni in Milan is aiming to provide more knowledge on the canine world by "putting yourself in their paws" with the 'Petize Yourself' website. This venture capitalizes on the dog-eat-dog society and adds a comical side to the topic.

By hopping on the website, one can upload his or her own picture and in turn, receive a hilariously manipulated photograph of a human-dog hybrid. Join in on the fun with 'Petize Yourself' and add a little woof to your life.
Trend Themes
1. Pet Photography Trends - Opportunities for innovative pet photography products and services.
2. Digital Pet Humor Trends - Opportunities for businesses to capitalize on the growing trend of humorous pet content online.
3. Animal Appreciation Trends - Opportunities for businesses that promote knowledge and understanding of the world's animals.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Products Industry - Opportunities for pet product companies to create funny and unique pet-related merchandise.
2. Photography Industry - Opportunities for photographers to expand their repertoire and offer unique pet photography services.
3. Advertising Industry - Opportunities for advertising agencies to create humorous and engaging ads that involve animals.

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