Illusionary Paint Roller Photography

PUTPUT Sculptural Rollers Are Made From Unlikely Material

PUTPUT is a European design firm that puts together sculptures that explore the sense of optical illusion and the brand's latest installation 'Paint Rollers' does just that by constructing the brushes out of unlikely material. The sculptures look like they would be fully functional paint rollers, except that at closer inspection viewers can see that the brush head is made from unexpected material. The designs cleverly subvert the expectation of the viewer by presenting something unlikely in the place of what is assumed to be the norm.

The surrealist 'Paint Rollers' series is comical in a sense, utilizing unlikely materials to construct the brush heads. These include replacing the material roller with cylinder-shaped items such as rolled newspapers, baguettes, heads of corn and plants to distort the viewer's perception using humor.
Trend Themes
1. Optical Illusion Sculptures - Create sculptures that manipulate perception and challenge traditional materials.
2. Unexpected Material Usage - Utilize unconventional materials in design to surprise and engage viewers.
3. Humor as Disruptive Element - Incorporate humor into unexpected design choices to shift perceptions and create memorable experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Explore new artistic possibilities by experimenting with unconventional materials and techniques.
2. Home Improvement - Introduce innovative and visually stunning paint tools that reimagine traditional brushes and rollers.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Leverage the power of unexpected design elements to create attention-grabbing campaigns that leave a lasting impression.

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