Oversized Feline Couches

Take a Cat Nap on this Oversized Cat Couch

Take your love for cats to the extreme with an oversized cat couch. The cat couch has no back or arms, and lays exactly how you're used to your cat laying.

This couch was initially an art installation for Belgian design studio Unfold in Luchtbal, Antwerp. His name and the installation are known as Felis Domesticus (which translates to House Cat) and he is made out of felt. This couch reaches widths of 3.5 meters and would be ideal for spacious apartments and even bedrooms. This is only one of five feline themed exhibitions; be prepared for some crazy cat celebrations.

Imagine cozying up to your cat without getting fur all over your clothes without your cat leaving after half a second. Although there is no back or arms, the legs and arms can flop around to fit your cat napping positions.
Trend Themes
1. Oversized Furniture - The trend of oversized furniture, such as cat couches, allows for unique and unconventional design options.
2. Pet-inspired Home Decor - Designing furniture and decor that mimics pets, such as the Felis Domesticus couch, can tap into the market of animal-lovers and bring a unique touch to homes.
3. Interactive Furniture - The Felis Domesticus couch showcases the potential of creating more interactive pieces of furniture that cater to specific needs or preferences of users.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - Furniture designers can explore the trend of creating unconventional and pet-inspired pieces, like the Felis Domesticus couch, to attract a new audience and differentiate from competitors.
2. Pet Supplies - Companies in the pet supplies industry could collaborate with furniture designers to create more options for pet owners who want to incorporate their pets into their home decor, such as the cat couch.
3. Art Installations - The use of art installations to showcase unique and creative pieces, like the Felis Domesticus couch, creates an opportunity for artists to showcase their work and potentially for designers to gain inspiration from the installations.

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