Fresh Food Alumbs

Onionoise by the Vegetable Orchestra Studies Another Sense

Typically, people associate food with two of their five sense, namely taste and smell, but if you experience Onionoise by the Vegetable Orchestra, you'll be awakened to a whole new way of enjoying your leafy greens.

The members of this sensational symphony take pride in producing music with the freshest of produce, cut and carved immediately before play. In many cases, crops are modeled after conventional woodwinds and percussion instruments, but the ensemble has found that many of their chosen edibles yield incredible sounds when strummed or massaged in their own unique ways.

Musical instruments like the pumpkin drum, celery guitar, pepper horn, carrot radish horn, cucumberphone, radish bass flute and the leek violin can be found to voice quite compelling acoustics. You can listen to select audio tracks for the latest album, Onionoise by the Vegetable Orchestra, on their website.
Trend Themes
1. Food Music - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore the fusion of food and music by creating innovative instruments using fresh produce.
2. Sensory Dining - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create immersive dining experiences that engage multiple senses, such as taste, smell, and now sound.
3. Food Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop unique forms of entertainment that combine food and music to captivate audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Restaurant Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborate with musicians and chefs to create restaurant experiences that offer live performances using food instruments.
2. Food Manufacturing Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Research and develop food products that can be shaped and used as musical instruments.
3. Music and Entertainment Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Support emerging artists who use unconventional instruments like fresh produce to create music and performances.

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