Corked Money Reserves

The 'Oink Ceramic Piggy Bank' Allows Easy Access to Saved Cash

If the idea of smashing open a piggy bank isn’t your cup of tea, then the Oink Ceramic Piggy Bank will be a much better alternative.

Accessing money through a piggy bank isn’t exactly easy; most either have to break it apart and spend it on a new one, or shake the heck out of it just to get a few measly dimes to drop out of the tiny hole. The Oink Ceramic Piggy Bank allow easy access to yours cash without the need to breaking or shake it like a person possessed. The large corks on top can be pulled out easily and has a large space for users to drop the coins from. This means no more excessive shaking and no more fishing the plug out of the bank itself.

The Oink Ceramic Piggy Bank is available in black, white and pink.
Trend Themes
1. Easy Access Money Boxes - The advancement of easier access to previously difficult to reach stored cash can lead to the creation of new saving and depositing technologies.
2. Interactive Savings Tools - The evolution of interactive and fun savings tools can steer people into habitual saving while providing a unique user experience.
3. Personalized Savings Enclosures - The emergence of personalized savings mechanisms can attract different users and their personalized needs effectively.
Industry Implications
1. Banking - The banking industry can create new and innovative saving equipments designed to solve common piggy bank issues.
2. Retail - The retail industry can use the Oink Ceramic Piggy Bank as the stepping stone for interactive product inventions designed to facilitate and encourage financial knowledge.
3. Product Design - The product design industry can find inspiration from the Oink Ceramic Piggy Bank and continue to personalize a range of product inventions for specific target audiences.

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