Jukebox Ballot Boxes

The Office Music Democratizer Brings Musical Equality to the Office

If you can't seem to stand your coworkers' music, then the Office Music Democratizer from BREAKFAST is for you. This unique unit connects to services like Last.FM and Pandora, and lets you and your coworkers like and dislike songs instantly.

Building a playlist the whole office will love is as simple hitting the "like" or "dislike" button on the device. Once your preference for a song is selected, the Office Music Democratizer sends a signal to a receiver that either keeps or rids of the song.
Trend Themes
1. Democratized Office Music - Opportunity for innovative devices that allow employees to collectively control the office music experience.
2. Personalized Music Curation - Potential for platforms that enable individuals to customize their music preferences and influence the collective playlist.
3. Real-time Music Feedback - Chance to develop systems that allow immediate feedback on songs, shaping the office music selection in real-time.
Industry Implications
1. Tech Manufacturing - Disruptive innovation potential in manufacturing devices that seamlessly connect to music services and office audio systems.
2. Streaming Music - Opportunity for streaming music platforms to collaborate with workplace-focused services, merging personal and communal musical preferences.
3. Audio Equipment - Innovative potential in creating audio equipment that can seamlessly integrate with office music democratization devices.

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