Object Fetish

If Loving My Stuff is Wrong, I Don't Want to Be Right

So you really love your stuff right? How much? As much as the people I'm about to introduce you to? Probably not. My first entry is a group of folks who love their cars so much, they have written a manual - How to Make Love to Your Car that includes excerpts like "The tailpipe isn't the only option! If it interests you get hold of a silicon sleeve from Clone Zone or some other tool to make life easier on your tool." What????? Another weirdie is Wall W. Berliner-Mauer. She has been married to the Berlin Wall since 1979 and just can't get enough spiritual and sexual fulfillment from that fine piece of architecture (she also lives with 8 cats, hmmmm?) You want more? Okay! Meet Mark Allen, he carried out a year-long Internet relationship only find out that he was actually in love with his Mac G3! A fact he readily admits on his web page. My advice? Get out, get a life, get THERAPY.
Trend Themes
1. Extreme Object Fetish - The trend of individuals taking their obsession with inanimate objects to extreme and unconventional levels, such as writing manuals on how to 'make love' to their cars.
2. Immersive Object Relationships - The trend of forming intimate and emotional bonds with objects, including marrying architectural structures like the Berlin Wall and developing relationships with technology like computers.
3. Digital Love Affairs - The trend of individuals developing romantic relationships with digital devices, such as computers, through online interaction and emotional attachment.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - The automotive industry can explore opportunities in catering to the extreme object fetish trend by offering unique customization options and services that enhance the emotional connection between individuals and their cars.
2. Architecture and Design Industry - The architecture and design industry can uncover disruptive innovation opportunities by creating immersive experiences and products that allow individuals to form deep emotional connections with architectural structures and spaces.
3. Technology Industry - The technology industry can capitalize on the digital love affairs trend by developing products and services that facilitate meaningful emotional connections between users and their devices, such as personalized AI companions or advanced virtual reality experiences.

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