Versatile Phallic Pan Uses

This How-To Humoursly Teaches How To Reuse a Novelty Cake Pan

If you happen to have a couple novelty cake pans lying around without any use for making cakes in shapes of the phallus, then this creatively humorous how-to by Brittany High will teach you several ways to reuse those inappropriate cake pans for everyday baking.

Though phallic cake pans are great for gimmick or bachelorette-themed parties, they aren’t the type of pan you want to bake a child’s birthday cake in. But, with these nifty ideas, phallic cake pans no longer have to produce cakes shaped like genitalia. Brittany High offers several ways to disguise a phallic-shaped cake into innocent child-friendly themed cakes like UFOs, space, wizards or elephants. All you really need is a shape that slightly resembles that of the male member, so the wizard’s pointy hat or the elephant’s truck are both good options. While these ideas don’t entirely mask the phallic, they do a pretty good job at giving a laugh.
Trend Themes
1. Creative Cake Pan Hacks - Discover innovative ways to repurpose novelty cake pans for everyday baking.
2. Disguised Child-friendly Cakes - Learn how to transform phallic cake shapes into innocent and fun designs for children.
3. Humorous Baking Techniques - Explore the art of creating hilariously themed cakes using novelty cake pans.
Industry Implications
1. Baking and Pastry - Explore how to bring novelty and creativity to the baking industry through repurposing cake pans.
2. Party Supply - Discover new ideas for gimmick and bachelorette-themed parties with creative cake pan hacks.
3. Entertainment and Events - Incorporate humor and laughter into events by utilizing disguised phallic-shaped cakes.

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