Superimposed Star Selfies

The Nicolas Cage Blog Photoshops the Actor's Face onto Instagram Selfies

This unusual Nicolas Cage blog automatically places the celebrity's face on selfies posted on Instagram. The website does this by tracking the selfie hashtag on the popular social media site and photoshopping the famous thespian's visage onto the images. Created by Josh McMillan, 'Feeling cagey?' is a live stream site that constantly updates itself.

Combining the National Treasure star and the self portrait social media phenomenon generates some truly hilarious results. The selfie hashtag is one of the most popular tags on Instagram, with over 50 million pictures. The crude photo manipulation only adds to the hilarity of the Nicolas Cage blog, as Cage's face rarely matches up perfectly. The actor's picture also varies between having color and having a black and white effect.
Trend Themes
1. Celebrity Superimposed Selfies - There is an opportunity for photo manipulation software companies to develop applications for celebrities' faces to be superimposed onto selfies shared on social media platforms.
2. AI-powered Selfie Filters - There is an opportunity for AI developers to create filters that automatically overlay facial expressions of different celebrities onto selfies shared on social media platforms.
3. Gamifying the Selfie Trend - There is an opportunity to gamify the selfie trend by creating mobile and web-based applications that use facial recognition technology to track and match celebrity faces in real-time with selfies posted by users.
Industry Implications
1. Photo Editing Software - Photo editing software companies can leverage the growing popularity of the selfie trend by developing more comprehensive software applications that offer automatic superimposed effects of celebrities' faces onto selfies.
2. Social Media Marketing - Brands can capitalize on the popularity of the selfie trend by partnering with celebrities and encouraging consumers to share selfies featuring their products on social media platforms with automatic superimposed effects of celebrity faces.
3. Gaming App Development - Mobile and web-based gaming companies can capitalize on the trend of gamifying the selfie trend by creating engaging and interactive applications that use facial recognition technology to match celebrity faces in real-time with selfies posted by users.

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