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Outdoor Suspending Pods

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The Nestrest Hanging Pod Guarantees a Relaxing Experience

The Nestrest Hanging Pod is the ultimate accessory for lounging around amidst the great outdoors.

The pod is the perfect balance between maintaining your own privacy all whilst being amidst the open-air. It is large enough so that you can completely stretch out in it and comes with 15 cushions, which means that you can take many comfortable naps inside. They are weaved from a strong dedon fiber, which is guaranteed to be sturdy and hold a large amount of weight. The pod is made so that you can either hang it up or leave it on the floor, though it seems like it would be much more of a fun experience to be lounging in it from high above.

The Nestrest Hanging Pod may be available for a steep price of $25,000 but considering all the comfort and benefits it provides, it may just be worth it.

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