AI Training Processors

Intel Has Partnered with Badiu to Create the Nervana Neural Network

Intel and Baidu have announced that they have formed a partnership to collaborate on Intel's Nervana Neural Network, which is a processor that is used to train AI systems. The processor was designed with the intention of training tasks for neural networks, in order to scale deep learning. The two organizations will pool resources on both hardware and software initiatives.

Intel's Nervana Neural Network processors were developed using technology from the Nervana company, which Intel acquired in 2016. Since the company was purchased, the processors were developed specifically for AI. The initial processors were released in 2017, and those models are currently being put to use to develop the next-gen versions. The next generation of processors is referred to as the 'Spring Crest' generation and will be released within the year.
Trend Themes
1. AI Training Processors - As organizations continue to scale deep learning, there is a disruptive innovation opportunity in developing more advanced and efficient AI training processors.
2. Collaborative Hardware and Software Initiatives - A trend that is emerging is the focus on collaborative hardware and software initiatives, presenting a disruptive innovation opportunity in developing integrated AI systems.
3. Neural Network Technology - As neural network technology continues to evolve, there is a disruptive innovation opportunity in creating more specialized and advanced AI processors for specific use cases.
Industry Implications
1. Technology Hardware - There is a disruptive innovation opportunity in the technology hardware industry for companies to focus on developing more advanced and efficient AI training processors.
2. Software Development - The emergence of collaborative hardware and software initiatives presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for companies in the software development industry to develop integrated AI systems.
3. Artificial Intelligence - As AI technology continues to evolve, there is a disruptive innovation opportunity in the artificial intelligence industry for companies to create more specialized and advanced AI processors for specific use cases.

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