Natural-Born Mutations

10 Bizarre Genetic Anomalies

These images unsettle me - although they shouldn't, as it is all the work of Mother Nature. I am not saying that these animals and humans are less important than anyone else--they are just really different, and special, as my mum would say. Especially, of course, when it comes to the poor babies such as Lakshmi Tatma who was born with four legs and four arms.

For the record, the word 'mutant' is defined thus: "A living organism that has characteristics resulting from chromosomal alteration."
Trend Themes
1. Genetic Anomalies in Health Industries - New medical treatments and drugs could be developed to address specific rare genetic anomalies.
2. Bioengineering in Agriculture Industries - Bioengineering could be used to improve crop output by introducing certain genetic anomalies.
3. Natural Selection in Wildlife Preservation Industries - Rare genetic anomalies in wildlife could give clues to how certain species are adapting and evolving to their environments.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry could benefit from research and development of new treatments and therapies for rare genetic anomalies.
2. Agriculture - Agricultural companies could use bioengineering to improve crop output and introduce certain genetic anomalies that are beneficial for the plants.
3. Wildlife Preservation - The study of genetic anomalies in rare wildlife could provide insights into natural selection and potential strategies for species preservation.

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