Narrow No-Window Houses

Kobayashi Designs a House in Tokyo with No Windows or Doors on its Front

Adding to the Japanese movement of complexes featuring narrow houses, Tsuyoshi Kobayashi of design studio ‘Another Apartment’ has designed a house for a family of three that is as narrow as a 58 square meter plot of land in a residential area in Tokyo.

The house is no ordinary house as it has no front windows or front doors, in order to create a sense of privacy for the house owners. The steel structure is positioned on the northern edge of the plot of land, installing windows and the front door on the southern facing wall. Upon entering the narrow house, one would not expect to see a brightly lit, minimalist and clean white space. There is an elegantly simplistic spiral staircase with a handrail linking the basement to the ground floor to the upper level. On the aesthetics of the house, designer Kobayashi says, "[w]e adopted a plan to make maximum use of openings on the south face and the roof for natural illumination, ventilation and views."
Trend Themes
1. Narrow-house Design - Opportunity for architects and designers to create innovative solutions for narrow living spaces without compromising privacy and functionality.
2. Minimalist Architecture - Potential for architects and builders to explore the concept of minimalism by eliminating traditional elements like windows and doors, and focusing on natural illumination and ventilation.
3. Privacy-focused Housing - Growing demand for homes that prioritize privacy and incorporate innovative design elements like hidden entrances and windows.
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate - Opportunity for real estate developers to cater to the niche market of individuals seeking narrow houses that maximize privacy and minimalistic design.
2. Architectural Design - Potential for architects and interior designers to incorporate unique design elements, such as integrating windows and doors on unconventional walls, to create innovative and visually appealing spaces.
3. Construction Materials - Demand for construction materials that allow for creative solutions in narrow-house construction, such as durable and energy-efficient materials that enhance natural light and ventilation.

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