Sensory Painting Exhibits

Museum Exhibition Soundscapes Adds Music to Painting Masterpieces

Paintings tend to be a purely visual art form, but this museum exhibition is adding an additional sensory element to engage visitors in a new way. Soundscapes is exhibiting at the National Gallery in London, England from July 8th to September 6th, 2015. Renowned composers added an auditory aspect to existing masterpieces.

Six contemporary musicians created soundscapes for the museum exhibition, which recontextualized paintings with music and sound. This gave the pieces a new layer of beauty beyond the visual for guests to further interact with. Bringing in a new sense offers an entirely new experience, even for returning patrons.

Other museums in Europe asked people to engage with art in a new way by incorporating touch with tactile additions for the visually impaired.
Trend Themes
1. Multisensory Exhibits - Creating museum exhibits that incorporate multiple senses, like soundscapes to add interactivity beyond visual elements.
2. Art and Music Collaborations - Partnering with musicians to compose works that enhance museum exhibits with soundscapes, a new way to experience the art.
3. Inclusive Design for Accessibility - Designing exhibits with accessibility in mind by providing touch and other tactile sensory experiences for visually impaired guests.
Industry Implications
1. Museums and Galleries - Creating engaging and immersive exhibits that enhance the visitor experience through collaborations with musicians and designers.
2. Music Production - Collaborating with museums and galleries to create soundscapes that enhance the interpretation of artwork, resulting in unique music compositions.
3. Accessibility Services and Products - Providing tactile and touch-based accessibility services and products for museums and galleries that are inclusive to visually impaired guests.

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