Mobile Literacy

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The 'Library on Wheels' Bus

Muungano is a design group from Sweden that has received the Swedish Library Bus of the Year award for this moving library.

The library on wheels, which is located at the Swedish town of Kiruna, "incorporates a library, small cinema, computer games, a sofa for listening to music and Internet access," according to Dezeen.

The colorful and attractive bus was designed by Peter Thuvander and Martin Hedenström.

Implications - The bus combines new digital media along with traditional materials such as paper-back books. The bus was built for people to enjoy themselves, communicate with others on the Internet and meet with different people within society. The interior is definitely jazzed up and looks like a cozy and comfortable learning and communication area.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Libraries - Creating libraries on wheels allows for increased access to books and digital media in different communities.
2. Combining Traditional and Digital Media - Integrating traditional materials like books with new digital media provides a unique and engaging learning experience.
3. Community-centered Designs - Designing spaces like the 'Library on Wheels' that encourage interaction, communication, and collaboration among people fosters community engagement.
Industry Implications
1. Library Services - Library services can leverage the concept of mobile libraries to reach new communities and improve access to resources.
2. Education Technology - The integration of traditional and digital media in mobile libraries presents opportunities for edtech companies to develop innovative learning solutions.
3. Community Development - Designing community-centered spaces like the 'Library on Wheels' can inspire innovations in urban planning and social infrastructure.

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