
Move Along While You Step

Stairmasters or elliptical trainers have one drawback: all that work doesn't take you anywhere. With the BodyBuddy, those steps move you along just like a bicycle. It's geared to make starting off easy and since you are standing up, you have a great view of the path in front of you. Plus you can look down at those other bicyclists all hunched over.

Implications - With the immense eco-movement in contemporary society, consumers are flocking outdoors to try and connect and interact with their environment. Products like this exercise machine merge physical fitness with outdoor activity. Industries should expect an increased demand in physical fitness regimes and products which allow for involvement in the outdoors.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-fitness - Products that merge physical fitness with outdoor activity.
2. Active Transportation - Exercise machines that move you along like a bicycle.
3. Fitness Technology - Innovative exercise machines like the BodyBuddy.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness Equipment - Increased demand for innovative, outdoor-oriented exercise machines.
2. Outdoor Recreation - Increased demand for products that merge physical fitness with outdoor activity.
3. Sustainability - Increased demand for sustainable and eco-friendly fitness solutions.

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