Rodent-Receiving Baseboards

The Mouse Door Welcomes Your Household Crum-Eating Critters

Anyone who has been on a mission to rid his home of rodents will have discovered how difficult a task this can be. Well the Mouse Door proposes the "if you can't beat them, join them," attitude -- or more specifically, a mentality that allows those cheese-loving creatures a way to join you.

The Canadian design studio Six Point Un has come up with an adorable limited edition skirting board with a built-in trapdoor. It seems that the arched portal itself can be installed within your existing baseboard. Measuring 3 inches in height and 2.5 inches in width, the MDF Mouse Door nestles snugly within an opening of your molding of the same size. A teeny-tiny Queen Anne brass doorknob and a miniature hinge create an air of invitation for domestic mice.
Trend Themes
1. Rodent-friendly Interiors - Designing home interiors to incorporate and accommodate rodents as pets or housemates, leading to new opportunities for pet industry products.
2. Innovative Trap Designs - Revolutionizing the concept of traditional traps and expanding the trap industry to include unconventional methods like furniture integration.
3. Eco-friendly Pest Control - Discovering eco-friendly solutions to control pest population in home or business spaces, leading to new innovations in the pest control industry.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture - Designing furniture that seamlessly conceals traps to control pest activity within a home or office setting, providing both functionality and aesthetic value.
2. Home Improvement - Exploring new home improvement options to solve pest problems such as redesigning baseboards and wall fixtures to attract and trap pests, leading to more efficient and eco-friendly solutions.
3. Pest Control - Developing innovative pest control solutions that are not only safe and effective, but also humane and eco-friendly, following growing consumer concern for more sustainable pest control practices.

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