Eco-Fiber Blends

Savvy Spinners Blend Mongolian Goat Hair and Bamboo for Camboo

Spinners--people who spin their own yarn--are mashing up all kinds of odd combinations for weaving or knitting. Now comes Camboo, the new fabric from Pur brands. It’s a blend of cashmere and bamboo. The fleece comes from Mongolian goats and is spun with bamboo pulp.

Camboo is a product entirely of Mongolia. The bamboo is grown there, the goats are raised there, and it is harvested, spun and woven to make eco-friendly and sumptuous garments there.
Trend Themes
1. Eco-fiber Blends - The trend of blending different eco-friendly fibers for unique textile materials.
2. Sustainable Fashion - The trend of using eco-friendly and sustainable materials for clothing and accessories.
3. Animal-free Fabrics - The trend of using materials that do not involve animal exploitation for clothing and accessories.
Industry Implications
1. Textile Industry - The textile industry can capitalize on the trend of using eco-friendly and sustainable materials like Camboo.
2. Fashion Industry - The fashion industry can incorporate eco-friendly and sustainable materials, such as Camboo, to produce ethical clothing and accessories.
3. Luxury Goods Industry - The luxury goods industry can market and sell Camboo, a unique and sumptuous eco-friendly material.

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