Intricately Ornamented Floors

Suzan Drumme's Mirrored Floors Are an Exquisite Optical Illusion

Suzan Drummen creates sensational mirrored floor installations with the use of crystals, precious stones, chrome metal and a little bit of elbow grease. The finished result is an intricate optical illusion stretching out at your feet.

The elaborate compositions are intended to beautify the otherwise boring floors of museums and art galleries. Drummen's floors are more than just floors, however; they are creative landscapes that guests must navigate, as well as appreciate.

The kaleidoscopic beauty of these installations are sure to ensnare and hold the attention of viewers. While Drummen's work is presented in a large-scale format, visitors can take inspiration for incorporating her creative view into their own homes. Just because floors are functional, doesn't mean they have to be boring!
Trend Themes
1. Mirrored Floor Installations - Using crystals, precious stones, and chrome metal to create intricate optical illusions on floors.
2. Creative Landscapes - Transforming floors into artistic compositions that guests must navigate and appreciate.
3. Kaleidoscopic Beauty - Using vibrant colors and patterns to create visually stunning floor installations.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Opportunity for artists and designers to explore innovative ways of creating immersive floor installations.
2. Architecture and Interior Design - Potential for incorporating intricate floor designs into unique architectural and interior design projects.
3. Museums and Galleries - The ability to enhance visitor experiences by incorporating mesmerizing floor installations in museum and gallery spaces.

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