Building Block Tots

Citizen Brick's Minifig Babies Prove That LEGO Characters Mate

Since LEGO provides both female minifigs and male minifigs, it is only natural that there would be Minifig Babies. First of all, it is the way of the world. Secondly, how else could someone account for the countless of minifigs that currently roam the earth? The latter question is what led to the adorable creation of the Minifig Babies.

Conceived and created by Citizen Bricks, an online resource for custom-designed small toy collectibles, the Minifig Babies come in two versions. The pink represents a baby girl while the blue signifies a baby boy. Of course, to keep up with the times, Citizen Bricks might want to consider creating a few genderless Minifig babies. When purchased, the artists' warn, "Gender chosen randomly, as is Nature's way."
Trend Themes
1. Minifig Babies - Custom minifigure baby toys could be a new market for LEGO and other toy manufacturers.
2. Genderless Toys - Creating genderless toys can be a disruptive innovation opportunity for toy companies to embrace inclusivity and diversity.
3. Custom Toy Collectibles - Offering custom-designed toy collectibles can be a unique selling point for e-commerce retailers.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing - Toy companies can explore the creation of custom minifigure babies that cater to the LEGO enthusiast market.
2. Retail - E-commerce retailers can consider offering custom-designed toy collectibles as a unique selling point.
3. Inclusivity and Diversity - The shift towards inclusivity and diversity presents an opportunity for toy companies to create genderless toys.

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