Bite-Sized Gourmet Subs

Toronto's Delysées Bakery Offers Sophisticated Mini Sandwich Creations

Ultra chic Toronto bakery Delysées offers handheld mini sandwiches with a gourmet twist. The artisanal subs are made with crispy baguettes and come in a myriad of tasty flavors that include creations like their Avocado Basil Cream Cheese, Bocconcino Tomato and Proscuitto Olive Tepanade.

While their dessert menu brings many through the cafe's doors, it is their mini sandwiches that truly steal the show. Delysées is located in Toronto's elegant King Street W neighborhood and is ran by head chef and owner Fred Naggar.

Consisting of three bites each, these mini sandwiches are created for urbanites with an appreciation for good food. While on the go, Naggar's clientele can enjoy palm-sized subs that draw inspiration from French culture and cuisine.
Trend Themes
1. Mini-sandwich Trend - The popularity of bite-sized gourmet subs presents an opportunity for businesses to offer creative variations that cater to the growing demand for gourmet fast food.
2. Gourmet Fast Food Trend - The increasing appreciation for good food among busy urbanites presents an opportunity for restaurants to create sophisticated and portable food options.
3. Artisanal Menu Trend - The popularity of artisanal mini-sandwiches showcases the demand for well-crafted, unique and concise menu items that are Instagram-worthy and can distinguish a food establishment from competitors.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality Industry - Hospitality businesses can introduce innovative, on-the-go food concepts that cater to the busy lifestyles of urbanites looking for quality meals.
2. Bakery Industry - Bakeries can incorporate a variety of mini-sandwiches into their product mix to increase sales and attract health-conscious customers looking for premium snack options to go with their coffee and tea.
3. Catering Industry - Catering businesses can introduce bite-sized gourmet sub options in their catering menu to provide the guests with high-end, sophisticated food items without the need for formal sit-down meals.

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