Cleaner Sitcoms

Miley Cyrus (Ironically) Wants to Re-Make Sex and the City

Miley Cyrus, who made headlines earlier this week with her dirty hacked photos, wants to make a 'cleaner' version of Sex and the City. Is that ironic? We've included pictures of Miley and her friends for you to decide.

Miley told TV Guide, "I like to think of myself as the girl that no one can get, that no one can keep in their hand." Well, don't tell that to the Jonas Brother who was the recipient of her hacked phone pictures.

Having said that, both Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers are famous for wearing a purity ring. She told People, "And I think if [staying a virgin] is a commitment girls make, that's great."

So maybe in the end she will be able to make a cleaner Sex in the City. One that's more Charlotte than Samantha.

But will it be any good?

Trend Themes
1. Cleaner Sitcoms - Opportunity for creating sitcoms with a cleaner and more family-friendly content, appealing to a wider audience.
2. Celebrity Image Makeovers - Opportunity for celebrities to rebrand themselves by transitioning into different roles or genres that align with their desired image.
3. Exploring Contradictions - Opportunity for exploring and capitalizing on contradictions in popular culture, such as a public figure known for controversy striving to create cleaner content.
Industry Implications
1. Television and Entertainment - This trend opens up possibilities for the television and entertainment industry to create cleaner sitcoms and cater to a broader range of viewers.
2. Celebrity Branding and Marketing - This trend offers potential for celebrity rebranding and marketing efforts, capitalizing on the shift in genre or content to present a new image.
3. Content Creation and Production - The trend presents opportunities for content creators and producers to develop sitcoms that cater to the demand for cleaner and more family-friendly programming.

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