Melting North Pole PSAs

This Message from Santa Says Christmas is Canceled Due to Global Warming

This year, Greenpeace UK is helping to deliver an urgent message from Santa: "global warming could cancel Christmas."

Santa has taken to social media to get the word out about the danger his home in the North Pole is in, due to the melting ice. Greenpeace UK got Downton Abbey’s Mr. Carson to play the role of a somber Santa Claus to inform Children that for once, he is not delivering a message with good tidings. Santa delivers this message from a dark, decrepit setting where dripping water can be heard — reiterating how much melting is going on.

So far, over 4.5 million people have added their names to the list of people who want to ’Stop the Melt.’ Among the millions, this includes celebrities like Vivienne Westwood, Madonna, Paul McCartney.
Trend Themes
1. Global Warming Awareness - The urgent message from Santa about global warming canceling Christmas highlights the increasing need for awareness and action on climate change issues.
2. Environmental Activism - Greenpeace UK's campaign using Santa Claus as a spokesperson demonstrates the power of creative messaging and celebrity endorsements in engaging the public in environmental causes.
3. Social Media Advocacy - Santa's use of social media to spread his message about the melting North Pole showcases the potential of digital platforms for raising awareness and mobilizing support for important issues.
Industry Implications
1. Climate Change Advocacy - The campaign by Greenpeace UK and Santa Claus presents an opportunity for organizations and individuals involved in climate change advocacy to leverage creative storytelling and influential figures to amplify their message.
2. Celebrity Endorsements - The involvement of celebrities like Vivienne Westwood, Madonna, and Paul McCartney in the campaign highlights the potential for utilizing celebrity endorsements in promoting environmental causes and inspiring collective action.
3. Digital Marketing - The use of social media as a platform for spreading Santa's message emphasizes the importance of digital marketing strategies in raising awareness and mobilizing support for social and environmental issues.

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